
Crown Plastics specializes in custom solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to plastic fabrication. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs. Our experienced team is ready to provide you with a personalized approach for your specific project.


Crown Plas­tics Inc.‘s cus­tom plas­tic fab­ri­ca­tion facil­ity pro­duces qual­ity pro­to­types and large and small pro­duc­tion runs of parts man­u­fac­tured to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Our processes include cus­tom saw­ing, pre­ci­sion shear­ing, CNC laser cut­ting, CNC rout­ing, form­ing, bend­ing, bond­ing, flame pol­ish­ing, buff pol­ish­ing, edge fin­ish­ing, thread­ing, insert­ing, assem­bly and cus­tom pack­ag­ing and delivery.

Crown Plas­tics Inc. stocks a large inven­tory of sheet, rod, tub­ing, extru­sions, plas­tic hard­ware and per­fo­rated sheet. We dis­trib­ute and cus­tom fab­ri­cate vir­tu­ally all types of plas­tic. See our Mate­ri­als page for a list. If you need some­thing you don’t see there, please con­tact us , and we will work to get it for you.


Cus­tom Fabrication

-Acrylic Fabrications and Plastics Manufacturing
-Pre­ci­sion CNC Saw­ing
–Pre­ci­sion CNC Laser Cut­ting
–Pre­ci­sion Shear­ing
–Pre­ci­sion CNC Routing

Food Ser­vice Products

-Crys­tal Palace Cup­cake Tree
–Whis­per Blend Sound Enclo­sures
–Cof­fee Bean Dis­pensers
–Fla­vored Syrup Dis­plays
–Pas­try & Deli Dis­plays
–Stack­able Tea Bins
Cake Handler — Plymouth, MN — Crown Plastics Inc
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